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Ladung in Bewegung halten – trotz Störungen. Erfahren Sie, wie zum Patent angemeldete KI-Modelle mit Echtzeitdaten Zeit sparen und den Umsatz steigern können, indem sie die Kapazitätsauslastung, Routenplanung und das Bestandsmanagement verbessern.


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Ihre Branche hebt Sie von anderen ab. Sie sehen die Straße deutlich. Lassen Sie uns unsere Kräfte bündeln und diese Vision Wirklichkeit werden lassen. Unisys bringt das technische Know-how mit, um Ihr fundiertes Fachwissen zu ergänzen.


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Rethink branch banking with new solution capabilities

Thinking beyond traditional branch banking and creating tailored customer experiences is now a little easier. The latest release of the Unisys Branch Banking Solution can help financial institutions evolve branch banking services and operations to serve today’s customers.

The release, which debuted in February, includes new features aimed at enhancing user experience and improving operational efficiency and security, including:

  • Integration of facial biometrics for heightened security measures
  • Responsive user interface, ensuring seamless service on tablet devices
  • Simplification of common branch operations, enhancing efficiency and reducing processing time
  • Rearchitected interaction between front-end and back-end, easing open banking and omnichannel integration
  • Integrated signature management system for streamlined signature verification
  • Configurable widgets framework on the dashboard, empowering end-users and reducing interaction time with customers

This release marks the latest chapter in Unisys’ decades-long partnership of providing solutions to financial institutions and banks. Unisys Branch Banking allows financial services providers to efficiently manage customer interactions across various channels with a modern interface and robust, time-tested transaction processing capabilities.

With evolved branch banking technologies and capabilities, financial institutions are better equipped to provide exceptional customer experiences, including:

  • Transforming branch banking strategy by reaching customers beyond the traditional branch setup. You can engage with clients in your preferred locations, enhancing accessibility and convenience.
  • Equipping staff with a handheld device to move efficiently around a branch, ensuring proactive customer service experiences.
  • Streamlining branch operations and boosting staff productivity by implementing faster transactions with the new dashboard and configurable widget-based design and analytics tools.

Reimagining digital capabilities can help financial institutions provide seamless customer experiences and more robust banking services to drive differentiation in a changing industry. The Unisys Branch Banking Solution offers extensibility opportunities by integrating different systems and bringing capabilities into a single view.

Banking and Financial Services from Unisys help financial institutions drive new value by optimizing digital infrastructure, offering seamless customer service and scaling operations effectively with superior security. In addition to the Unisys Branch Banking Solution, the portfolio includes core and digital banking offerings that deliver modern, secure and essential banking experiences.

Learn more about how Unisys can help you evolve your branch banking solutions to help you continue serving your customers wherever they are.

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