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Unisys secures Enterprise & AI Innovation Award at Plug and Play Winter Summit

Unisys has proudly claimed the 2023 Enterprise & AI Corporate Innovation Award at the Plug and Play Tech Center Winter Summit for its extensive engagement with other enterprise partners and start-ups. This recognition echoes Unisys’ commitment to pioneering tech and crafting barrier-breaking solutions for complex business challenges.

Plug and Play is a leader in technological innovation. Established in 2006, it has become one of the world's most extensive innovation platforms, connecting start-ups, investors and leading corporations. Its mission is to drive progress by facilitating strategic introductions, investing in pioneering start-ups and building a transformative network of industry leaders and changemakers.

Unisys' membership provides access to a global network of almost 30,000 start-ups for potential partnerships. Unisys leverages this access in many ways, notably through Deal Flows, where a selection of start-ups pitch solutions to solve business problems addressed by Unisys’ offerings. After reviewing these presentations, the relevant business unit selects the most promising ideas for further collaboration. Suzanne Taylor, Terri Kovalski, and Christina Mongan lead these collaborative efforts, representing the AI team at Unisys, which functions under the Office of the CTO.

Taylor, Kovalski and Lily De Los Rios were present to accept this award, acknowledging Unisys' active engagement with the Plug and Play ecosystem over the last three years. Their presence at the ceremony, where Kovalski was recognized for her leadership in ensuring that the Deal Flows aligned with Unisys' business strategy, is a testament to the collaborative spirit propelling Unisys' success. A special mention was also extended to Mongan for her integral contributions as part of the team.

Unisys secures Enterprise & AI Innovation Award at Plug and Play Winter Summit
Caption: Pictured from left to right are Lily De Los Rios, Suzanne Taylor and Terri Kovalski at the award ceremony.

"We are deeply honored to be recognized with the Corporate Innovation Award from Plug and Play. It highlights Unisys’ innovative and collaborative spirit and acknowledges our relentless pursuit of excellence as a leader in driving transformative solutions," stated Taylor. “The shoutouts to Christina and Terri for their contributions as part of the team are well earned.”

To learn more about how Unisys' solutions can drive growth and transformation in your organization through the strategic application of AI, visit our website or contact us today.