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6 Min Read

The stability advantage: Thriving through tech market disruption

November 21, 2024 / Mike Thomson

Short on time? Read the key takeaways

  • While major competitors face structural challenges and market uncertainty, stable tech partners become even more valuable to clients  
  • Long-term client relationships demonstrate the value of balancing consistent delivery with measured innovation  
  • Current market consolidation in areas like frontline worker technology creates opportunities for providers who maintain their commitment while others retreat  
  • Success comes from measured progress and practical business value, not chasing trends or resisting all change 

This article is the second in a three-part series examining the impact of disruption. Read part one and part three.

Market observers tell a striking story about the technology services industry right now. Major providers are struggling, some fighting for survival.

Multibillion-dollar companies, once considered unstoppable, face serious financial and leadership hurdles. Meanwhile, their clients watch with growing concern, wondering who they can trust for critical technology services. 

These market dynamics raise essential questions about what really matters in selecting and maintaining technology partnerships. As market consolidation accelerates and providers face mounting pressures, how do you identify partners who will be there for the long haul? What separates the companies that thrive through disruption from those that falter? The answers lie in understanding how stability and innovation work together in technology services. 

The value of staying power

The reality is that during market uncertainty, stability becomes a crucial differentiator. Our top clients have stayed with us for an average of ~20 years – not because we've remained static, but because we've evolved alongside them through multiple technology cycles. This kind of loyalty stems from the understanding that successful technology partnerships require both reliability and adaptability. 

Consider what's happening in the frontline worker technology space. As market consolidation accelerates, some providers are retreating or exiting entirely. Yet this period of change creates opportunities for organizations committed to this market, like Unisys. By combining traditional IT support with modern workplace solutions, we're helping clients bridge current needs with future capabilities. This approach delivers measurable business value for our clients, combining the reliability they need today with the innovation they'll need tomorrow. 

Balancing stability and progress 

Success in technology services requires threading the needle between stability and innovation. Some providers chase every new trend without maintaining their core services. Others resist change entirely. The key is measured progress that creates real business value. In our Digital Workplace Solutions business, this means enhancing proven IT support services with new capabilities like AI-enabled service desks and automated system management. 

This balanced approach shapes how we introduce any new technology. Rather than pushing change for change's sake, we focus on integrating new solutions in ways that enhance rather than disrupt our clients' operations. This measured strategy helps maintain strong client relationships through multiple technology cycles while steadily advancing their capabilities. 

The power of diversification

Smart business strategy in any industry requires protecting against market volatility. Companies that concentrate too narrowly leave themselves vulnerable to market shifts and changing client demands. A broader portfolio creates natural resilience. It allows an organization to maintain stability through market cycles while meeting a wider range of client needs.

By operating across multiple technology segments at Unisys, we can adapt as markets evolve, balance growth opportunities, and provide clients with integrated solutions that solve complex challenges. When one area faces headwinds – from Digital Workplace Solutions to Cloud Applications & Infrastructure and Enterprise Computing Solutions – strength in others ensures consistent delivery and continuous innovation. 

This spans beyond just having multiple offerings. Financial strength becomes crucial when markets turn volatile, as we're seeing now across the technology sector. Our approach emphasizes careful resource management and strategic investments in growth areas, while maintaining sustainable, profitable operations. This disciplined strategy means we can continue serving clients effectively even during market turbulence. 

Looking ahead

Market disruption in technology services isn't ending anytime soon. We're seeing it accelerate in areas like AI, cloud computing, and digital workplace technology. But these disruptions create opportunities for organizations that maintain a steady course while adapting to change. The key is understanding how to move forward without sacrificing stability. 

For technology leaders watching market turbulence unfold, the path forward requires careful balance. Success comes from finding partners who combine stability with the ability to evolve. As market consolidation continues and technology changes accelerate, this balanced approach becomes more valuable than ever.