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Logistics Optimization

Ladung in Bewegung halten – trotz Störungen. Erfahren Sie, wie zum Patent angemeldete KI-Modelle mit Echtzeitdaten Zeit sparen und den Umsatz steigern können, indem sie die Kapazitätsauslastung, Routenplanung und das Bestandsmanagement verbessern.


Die Art der Arbeit verändert sich. Lassen Sie uns Ihr Geschäft gemeinsam weiterentwickeln. Machen Sie Ihr Unternehmen mit Consulting-Dienstleistungen von Unisys zukunftssicher und rücken Sie als Digital-First-Unternehmen voran.


Ihre Branche hebt Sie von anderen ab. Sie sehen die Straße deutlich. Lassen Sie uns unsere Kräfte bündeln und diese Vision Wirklichkeit werden lassen. Unisys bringt das technische Know-how mit, um Ihr fundiertes Fachwissen zu ergänzen.


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Curiosity, creativity, and a constant desire to improve. Our associates shape tomorrow by going beyond expertise to bring solutions to life.

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Wir sind ein globales Unternehmen für Technologielösungen, das sich dafür einsetzt, den Fortschritt für die weltweit führenden Unternehmen voranzutreiben.


Wir arbeiten mit einem Ökosystem von Partnern zusammen, um unseren Kunden hochmoderne Produkte und Dienstleistungen in vielen der größten Branchen der Welt zu bieten.


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Unisys Innovation Program FAQ's

General guidelines

The Unisys Innovation Program is open to all residents in India currently enrolled as engineering students.

The Unisys Innovation Program is an excellent platform for technology professionals to showcase innovative, path-breaking ideas. Students get a chance to get mentored by leading subject matter experts from Unisys. Apart from this, there are some exciting prizes to be won.

There are no costs or registration fees to enter.

All rounds of the program will take place online. Only the final round will be held in person, where finalists will present their projects to a panel of judges in Bengaluru.

Visit this site for the registration process.

After reading through the FAQ's below, please send an email with any questions or concerns.

Frequently Asked Questions

UIP is open to all the Pre-final and Final year engineering students (BE/B.Tech/MCA/MSc) in CS, IT, and related fields; Post graduate (ME/M.Tech/MS) and research (PhD) students with a focus on Computer Science and related branches. The maximum team size is four and maximum number of project guides is two.

No. Subject-matter experts have selected the themes, and we will only consider submissions from the given themes.

All submissions will go through a thorough review process by a panel of industry experts. The winning abstracts and presentations will be chosen based on technical merit and relevance to the contest topics.

All submissions should be under 1 MB. If the file is larger than 1 MB, please send it to utfi@unisys.com, and a Unisys team member will provide further assistance.

You can easily submit your abstract or final project by following these steps:

  1. Visit https://www.utfi.co.in/ and complete the registration process for the Unisys Technology Forum.
  2. Sign into your Unisys Technology Forum account.
  3. Register for the Unisys Innovation Program category.
  4. Once registered, you'll receive detailed guidelines, helpful tips and additional resources to guide you through the submission process.

UIP Y15 Grand Finale - 1st Prize: INR 3,50,000

UIP Y15 Grand Finale - 2nd Prize: INR 2,00,000

UIP Y15 Grand Finale - 3rd Prize: INR 1,50,000 

Please note:

  • The prize money will be divided equally among all team members, including students and guides.
  • All members of the finalist teams will receive merit certificates.

Unisys Innovation Program Year 16 - Registrations now open