Inteligencia artificial 

Acelerador de productividad. Catalizador de innovación. Colaborador creativo. Sea cual sea su visión de la IA, Unisys proporciona las soluciones, la experiencia y las herramientas para lograr todo el potencial empresarial de su organización.

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Mantenga la carga en movimiento, a pesar de las interrupciones. Descubra cómo los modelos de IA pendientes de patente que utilizan datos en tiempo real pueden ahorrar tiempo y aumentar los ingresos al mejorar la utilización de la capacidad, la planificación de rutas y la gestión del inventario.


The nature of work is changing. Let's evolve your business together. Future-proof your organization with consulting services from Unisys and advance as a digital-first entity.


Tu sector te diferencia. Tiene una visión clara del camino por delante. Vamos a unir fuerzas y hacer realidad esa visión. Unisys aporta los conocimientos técnicos para complementar su amplia experiencia.

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Curiosidad, creatividad y un deseo constante de mejorar. Nuestros asociados dan forma al mañana yendo más allá de la experiencia para dar vida a las soluciones.

Relaciones con los inversionistas

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Colaboramos con un ecosistema de socios para ofrecer a nuestros clientes productos y servicios de vanguardia en muchas de las industrias más grandes del mundo.

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Courses and Descriptions

Introduction to Enterprise Application Developer (CEL8008)

Length: 9 days

Objectives: Students who are new to Enterprise Application Developer (LINC) become familiar with the components of the development and testing environment. They use Developer to build an application such as the CHOCSYS model, including automatic and user-coded logic. They develop graphical user interfaces, as well as character-oriented screens. They test and debug their system. At the completion of the class, they should understand how to deploy systems to a number of different host platforms.

Audience: Enterprise Application Environment developers, analyst, and support personnel.

Prerequisites: Optionally, either Introduction to Enterprise Application Environment for Managers (CEL8001) or Introduction to Enterprise Application Environment (CEL8002).

Key Topics:

  • Building systems with workstation-based Enterprise Application Developer (LINC)
  • Options
  • Data Dictionaries
  • Developing user-written logic; integrating user logic with automatic logic
  • Creating graphical as well as character-based user interfaces
  • Testing and using the line-at-a-time Debugger
  • Deployment technologies
  • The deployment process

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Introduction to Enterprise Application Developer (CES8009)

Length: Self-paced; approximately 65 hours

Objectives: Enterprise Application Developer provides the technology to develop, deploy, and operate small to very high-volume user applications that are responsible to business change. This Getting Started course will introduce students to the:

  • Developer environment
  • Developer language
  • Runtime environment for deploying runtime systems

Audience: This course is intended for:

  • Technical personnel responsible for systems analysis, design, or development of solutions using Enterprise Application Developer
  • Managers who need more than cursory knowledge of the development toolset
  • Experienced LINC practitioners who must update their knowledge and learn to perform development on the workstation platform

Prerequisites: I t is assumed that students have some experience with a programming language such as C++, Java, or Perl.

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