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6 Min Read

3 ways to help employees thrive in hybrid work

junho 1, 2023 / Weston Morris

Short on time? Explore the key takeaways:

  • To create a successful hybrid work environment, HR professionals can use three important strategies: use flexibility to motivate employees, elevate their employee experience programs and drive employee empowerment with technology.
  • Providing employees with autonomy and flexibility in their work location can be a significant motivator for many employees and can help you attract new talent.
  • Investing in employee experience programs can lead to more engaged employees and higher productivity.
  • Technology plays a critical role in the success of a hybrid work environment, and HR and IT leaders should work together to tailor technology to employee persona groups to create an empowered, more efficient and effective work environment.

Hybrid work isn’t going anywhere as a popular model in the modern workplace. In response, HR professionals are considering ways to adapt their approach to maintain — or better yet, boost — the productivity and satisfaction of their employees.

As more organizations embrace hybrid work, creating a work environment that maximizes the benefits of this model can help retain productive employees and attract new talent.

To help companies understand what works and what doesn’t, Unisys partnered with HFS Research to survey employers and employees in the U.S., the U.K., Germany, and Australia for their unfiltered thoughts about hybrid work. We gathered our findings into a research report, From Surviving to Thriving in Hybrid Work: How Employee Experience Defines the Digital Workplace, to spotlight key themes and actionable insights. HR professionals can use these to elevate their employee experience (EX) and create a work environment that is both productive and fulfilling. Let's dive into the three most important steps HR professionals can take.

Step 1: Use the flexibility of hybrid work to motivate your workforce

The past three years have clearly demonstrated that the flexibility of remote or hybrid environments empowers employees to create a work-life balance that engages them. This flexibility in work location can be a significant motivator for many employees, with 67% saying it positively influences work performance.

In fact, 87% of employees believe a hybrid model creates a very or somewhat effective work environment, according to the study. When you combine this finding with the fact that 70% of employees are motivated by having the power to make decisions at work, it’s a recipe for success that HR teams can easily follow. Providing employees with the autonomy to decide where and when they work, paired with a hybrid environment that fosters trust and collaboration, helps motivate existing employees and attract new talent.

Step 2: Elevate your EX program for more engaged employees

Investing in your EX program is a game-changer for driving employee engagement. The study found that the more mature an organization’s program, the more engaged its workforce. About 74% of employers with a mature EX program report that their employees are more engaged now than they were six months before. In contrast, only 24% of employers with less mature EX programs report that their employees are more engaged now than before.

With many companies freezing hiring or even reducing their workforce, HR professionals need to focus on creating positive EX for their existing employees to pave the way for continued productivity and growth. Employees consider professional training, mental health and wellness checks, and rewards and recognition programs as the most important EX initiatives, according to the survey.

Step 3: Drive employee empowerment with technology

Technology plays a critical role in the success of a hybrid work environment. By partnering with IT teams to leverage — but not rely on — technology tools to empower their workforce, HR leaders can create a more efficient and effective work environment. Just over half of employees surveyed say having the right technology is highly motivating.

Instead of a one-technology-suits-all approach, tailor the technology to employee persona groups to satisfy technology preferences based on age or role. By working together, HR and IT leaders can understand which technology solutions — like automation and web-based collaboration tools — are universally loved across age groups and ensure that the right technologies are provided to the right people.

Evolve from surviving to thriving in hybrid work

HR professionals can lead the way in creating a work environment that is productive, engaging and fulfilling for employees. By designing a hybrid workplace with EX in mind, organizations can unlock the full potential of their most important asset — their people — to drive business outcomes and create happier employees.

To explore these findings in greater detail, download a copy of From Surviving to Thriving in Hybrid Work: How Employee Experience Defines the Digital Workplace. To learn how Unisys can help your organization create a hybrid work environment that drives business growth and improves the employee experience, visit online or contact us today.

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This article originally appeared on