Key Findings in Singapore
The Unisys Security Index measures concerns of consumers on issues related to national, personal, financial and internet security around the world.
Concerned about Bankcard Fraud #1 concern for Singaporeans
Concerned about Identity Theft
Concerned Virus/Hacking
Concerned about security of Online Transactions

It's no surprise that financial security and internet security concerns decreased this year. It’s a consequence of people being so focused on health and personal safety. It’s distracted them from internet and financial security, which is why they've weighted those concerns lower. And frankly, that's one of the things that scammers count on when launching phishing attacks. They hope they can fly into the right app because people are too worried about their health.
Unisys Cybersecurity Director for Asia Pacific
The 2020 Survey
Conducted in 15 countries across North America, Latin America, Europe and Asia Pacific.
Let's Talk Security!
Unisys security experts are available to discuss the Unisys Security Index and our suite of security solutions with you.