Key Findings in New Zealand
New Zealanders fear privacy invasion and data theft but put themselves at risk when working from home. And yet...
Don’t want monitoring to ensure they only use their work computers when working from home
Not aware of "SMiShing" – phishing scams via SMS
Admit to downloading unauthorised apps or software for work purposes
Don’t know who to report a data breach to
Impact of Hybrid Work across Industries

Employers rely on employees to do the right thing to prevent cyber attacks. But this is a big ask when New Zealanders are being targeted by more ransomware attacks than ever before. Moreover, the research shows that Kiwis are not attentive to cyber risks on mobile devices. Employers need to ensure that their security measures encompass mobile devices used for work – even if they are owned by the employee. Scammers tailor very sophisticated attacks that mimic organisations people trust in order to trick them into clicking on a link or downloading an app – such as a text message pretending to be about a courier delivery. That may launch malicious code or cause them to unwittingly provide personal details. And those details can be used for identity and financial fraud or to mimic their profile to access their employer’s systems.
Industry director of cybersecurity, Unisys Asia Pacific
2021 Unisys Security Index™ Australia and New Zealand
Reflecting on 15 years of security insights – what does the future hold? A futurist’s view…