2021 Unisys Security Index™ United States
Key Findings in the United States
Internet security concerns jumped dramatically, up 25 points YoY to become the highest area of concern in the US, however:
More than three in five are unaware of mobile security risks like SMS phishing
Three quarters are unaware of SIM jacking or PAC fraud, when a scammer can access your phone from theirs
Over half of US workers are downloading unauthorized apps or software for work purposes
Two thirds of US workers are not comfortable with their employer monitoring their log-in activity when working from home
Impact of Hybrid Work across Industries

It’s likely that many people don’t understand the security risks of what they’re doing when they go around their IT department, but it underscores how important it is for organizations to recognize how your employees feel, ensure quality communication and collaboration experiences, and equip your workforce with appropriate tools that are adopted rather than bypassed.
senior vice president and general manager, Digital Workplace Solutions, Unisys